Traffic Depot Inc. 1460 Clovis Ave. Clovis, CA  | 559-297-0600

Fresno Driving School

Fresno, CA Driving Lessons

Students in the Fresno area can click here to register for the Driver Training Packages. We offer one, two, or three lessons. All behind-the-wheel training lessons are two hours. We have male and female instructors available, all certified by the DMV. Our lessons are one-on-one, and we have an option for pick up and drop off!

Teen and Adult drivers require a Learners Permit

Driving appointments are available all days of the week including weekends and most holidays!

Mon – Fri:8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sat:9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Teen Driver Services

Driver Ed Online

Work at your own pace with our Online Driver Education! Learn the rules of the road, safe and defensive driving techniques to apply when behind the wheel, plus more. 

Driver Ed Classroom

For students who learn better in-person, sign up to participate in our 4-session driver’s education.

Behind the Wheel Driving Training

Get behind the wheel and start driving with one of our professional driving instructors.

FREE Driver Ed Online when Bundled with your Discounted 6hr Behind the Wheel Training!



Clovis/Fresno Instructor


Clovis/Fresno Instructor


Clovis/Fresno Instructor


Clovis/Fresno Instructor


Clovis/Fresno Instructor


Clovis/Fresno Instructor


Clovis/Fresno Instructor


Clovis/Fresno Instructor

Adult Driver Services

Traffic Violator Course Online

Our DMV-licensed Traffic Violator School (TVS) Internet Course is licensed for use statewide.

Curso para Infractores de Tráfico en Línea

Nuestro programa de seguridad vial a través de la Internet es su respuesta! Terminando este curso incluso podrá obtener un descuento en sus primas de seguro, si su compañía de seguros permite este beneficio.

Traffic Violator Course Classroom

Our in-person class is held twice a month from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Check our schedule and register online.

Upcoming Classes

Senior/Mature Driver Improvement

Our online Senior/Mature Driver Improvement Class helps experienced drivers age 55 or older refresh their skills and stay safe on the road, earning a certificate that can lower their insurance rates.

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