Traffic Depot is the best driving school in central California. Serving over 34 cities, offering home pick up options, and highly trained and certified male and female instructors.
Traffic Depot is the best driving school in central California. Serving over 34 cities, offering home pick up options, and highly trained and certified male and female instructors.
Going to Traffic School does not remove a point from your record, it will only mask it so it will not be reported to your insurance. You may do this once in an 18-month period. Your license may be suspended if you receive 4 points in 12 months, 6 points in 24 months, or 8 points in 36 months.
Yes, signal when you change lanes or exit.
When it’s too dark to see at least 1,000 feet, 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise, in adverse weather like rain, snow, or fog (fog lights only), mountain roads with tunnels, when a road sign is posted stating lights must be on.
100 feet before your turn, before a lane change, before pulling into our out of parking on a curb.
There are only two situations that may require steering with one hand; When backing up to see where you are going behind you, and when driving a vehicle with standard transmission with manual gear shifting.
No, the most you can legally do in one day is 2 hours.
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We provide driver education, behind the wheel training, traffic violator classes, and senior/mature safety course.
DT #E4747
TVS #E0444
Traffic Depot Inc. © All Rights Reserved 2025